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10-Year Anniversary Resources

The Latino Policy Forum celebrated its 10-year anniversary as an organization in 2018 and its 30-year plus legacy by hosting a series of Pláticas with founders and community leaders across the state to take a pulse of Latino communities in Illinois. The results was a summary of findings in addition to a release of a special series of SOLs to detail the organization's accomplishments and direction for the future. 

Harnessing the Momentum - The Forum's 10th Anniversary Fundraising Video


In 2018 as part of its 10th anniversary, the Latino Policy Forum initiated a series of conversations, or Pláticas, held around the state. These Pláticas were designed to elicit a broad cross-section of views and opinions of Illinois’ Latino community leaders. A total of 15 Pláticas were conducted and the findings reported here reflect the feedback of more than 375 community leaders surveyed.

Plática Summary

Plática Summary (SPA)

Demographic Overview Presentation

10th Anniversary SOLs

A series of policy briefs that combines data with insightful analysis from the Forum. The series provides a unique snapshot of the growth, influence and challenges of the local Latino community, for use by community leaders, urban planners, elected officials, journalists, and anyone interested in building a shared future for all of Illinois. 

10-Year Overview




Illinois Latino Agenda (ILA)


Multicultural Leadership Academy (MLA)

 The Evolution of the Latino Policy Forum

A Founder's History of the Forum (Storyteller Video)

1974 - Latino Institute founded, the first regional organization in the Midwest to promote a Latino agenda. Later its archives would be transferred over to Latinos United. 

1983 – The Mayor’s Advisory Council on Latino Affairs (MACLA) founded under the tenure of Mayor Harold Washington. 

1984 -1985 – MACLA task forces created from hearings held citywide. Hearings concentrated on six issues: economic development, housing, public health, public safety, education, arts and culture. 

1988 – Latinos United created from the Housing Task Force formed during MACLA hearings. 

1994-1996 – Lawsuits filed by Latino United against the Chicago Housing Authority (CHA) to combat discrimination against Latinos in public housing in Chicago.  Over the next 10 years, the resulting Latino Consent Decree led to the allocation of over $70 million in housing resources directed toward the Latino community through improved access to conventional public housing units. 

2006 - In collaboration with the University of Notre Dame and the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning, a series of community forums with over 600 Latino leaders conducted to identify the issues that would constitute a Latino Policy Agenda for the region. During the consultation process, six priority issues emerged: Education, Housing, Immigration, Jobs and Workforce Development, Health, and Community Safety. 

2008 – The policy document “An American Agenda from a Latino Perspective” released and laid the groundwork for Latino Policy Forum upon its creation that same year. This policy agenda is the culmination of the series of meetings with 600 Latinos of diverse backgrounds from across the Chicago Metropolitan region. The report remains as an educational resource for policy makers and advocacy tool for Latinos in Illinois.  

2008 – Latinos United renamed to Latino Policy Forum with an expanded multi-issue agenda to include education, housing, immigration, and leadership.