Latest News & Events
Winter 2024: Letter from the President & CEO
After 16 extraordinary years as President & CEO of the Latino Policy Forum, this is my final letter to you in this role. It is difficult to put into words the immense gratitude I feel for the friendships and partnerships I have built with so many of you but know…
Essential Resources for Immigrants & Allies
Recursos Esenciales para Inmigrantes y Aliados
Bilingualism is a Bridge to Greater Opportunities: The University of Chicago Study on English Learners in High School
Rep. Rashid, Community Groups & School Districts Welcome Blueprint to Expand Dual Language Education
What We Do
Our mission is to build the power, influence, and leadership of the Latino community through collective action to transform public policies that ensure the well-being of our community and society as a whole. The four pillars of our work are: