Posts About State Investment


Through advocacy and analysis, the Latino Policy Forum builds a foundation for equity, justice, and economic prosperity for the Latino community. By catalyzing policy change, the Forum works to improve education outcomes, advocate for affordable housing, promote just immigration policies, and strengthen community leadership.

Latinos are a vibrant and increasingly significant community in Illinois that despite the challenges many in our community face —particularly in accessing affordable housing and education and in navigating a failed federal immigration system— we find a way to prosper and uplift our state. After Whites, Latinos are the largest racial group, and from 2010 to 2020, our numbers in Illinois grew from 16% to 18% of the total population.... Continue Reading

Posted In: Education, Infant & Toddler Services , Preschool, K-3, Families & Communities, Housing, Homelessness, Immigration, Immigration Reform & Policy, State Investment, Access & Resources, Educators, Representation in Government, Immigrant Integration

Fiscal Year 2020 Budget Proposal Response

Governor JB Pritzker was sworn into office with a $3.2 billion budget deficit and almost $15 billion in unpaid bills and debt. His FY20 proposed budget focused on three key areas: education, health and human services, and public safety. Pritzker also emphasized a capital plan that will include investments in Illinois’ facilities and transportation infrastructure.

Gov. Pritzker stated that the FY20 budget plan was part of a multi-year endeavor to get Illinois fiscally stable and to eliminate its structural deficit. The address highlighted plans to create new revenue that will balance the budget, one of those streams being a progressive income tax that the Latino... Continue Reading

Posted In: State Investment

By Manny Gonzales

Spring is here and Illinois remains in a budgetary limbo. Human service organizations and non-profits that help Illinois’ most vulnerable communities continue to feel the pain of nearly two years of no full-year budget. Some organizations have been forced to cut staff and a few have shuttered completely. Unfortunately, without community based programs, working families will not be able to access high quality child care to support them.

Cornell Brisco is a Chicagoland father whose three-year old daughter, Naomi Ivory, is excelling in bilingual courses at Carole Robertson Center for Learning in Southwest Chicago. He has seen the costs of some... Continue Reading

Posted In: Parent Engagement, Preschool, Strengthening Leadership, State Investment

Governor Rauner issued his third state budget address yesterday afternoon.  During the speech, he outlined his Fiscal Year 2018 (FY18) funding priorities with an emphasis on state funding for Pre-K – 12 education.  While he signaled his position on various elements of the Illinois Senate’s ‘grand bargain’ package of bills, the bottom line remains the same there – there will be no progress on adopting a budget until the Legislature passes some combination of non-budget, structural reforms.

Governor Rauner and the Legislature have yet to agree to a fully funded, year-long operating budget since he took the oath of office in January 2015. According to a survey conducted last year by the United Way of Illinois, more than 1 million residents... Continue Reading

Posted In: State Investment

Latinos on the Move

Get your early bird tickets, available till Oct. 28, for the Latino Policy Forum’s 6th annual policy breakfast fundraiser!

Latinos on the Move: Opportunity and Equity for Latino Children will be held Nov. 10, 2016 at the Union League of Chicago. Join keynote speaker Sarita E. Brown of Excelencia in Education, emcee and ABC 7 News anchor Stacey Baca, and this year’s “Champion of Change” recipients, Illinois State Sen. Iris Y. Martinez and Illinois State Rep. Elizabeth Hernandez, for a discussion about school achievement and opportunity for Latinos.

Multicultural Leadership Academy

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Posted In: Leadership, Strengthening Leadership, Representation in Government, State Investment

Summer 2016 Newsletter

  ·  Sylvia Puente

Dear Friends,

Despite the festivities and warmth that make this time of the year special for everyone, there’s a cloud hanging over the state brought on by the failure of government officials to pass an operating budget at the end of the state legislature’s spring session for the second straight year. 

While much of state government continues to function through court orders and consent decrees, children and families are unnecessarily suffering due to the lack of state funding for human services and higher education.  According to a recent survey conducted by the United Way of Illinois, nearly 1 million people are without services because... Continue Reading

Posted In: Infant & Toddler Services , K-3, Parent Engagement, Preschool, Families & Communities, Housing, Foreclosure, Housing Education, Affordable Housing, Homelessness, Immigration, Immigration Reform & Policy, Immigrant Integration, Leadership, Strengthening Leadership, Representation in Government, State Investment, Access & Resources, Educators

Here are the latest updates from the Forum’s education team.

Early Childhood Education Advocacy Day

The Forum’s partners and advocates headed to the state capitol on April 20 to advocate for the fair tax amendment and early childhood education. More than 10 organizations and 72 participants made the journey to Springfield, Illinois, visiting over 20 legislators. Parents shared emotional tales of their child’s progress and offered regalitos, or small gifts, to emphasize the positive results of funding early childhood education.

See photos of parents and advocates in action here. The conversation also continued on Twitter, engaging and informing audiences citywide. Check out the conversations... Continue Reading

Posted In: Infant & Toddler Services , Preschool, K-3, Parent Engagement, Families & Communities, Educators, Access & Resources, State Investment

by Communications intern Michelle Jimenez

Latinos hold the power to change the outcome of political elections. Earlier this year, the Huffington Post reported a total of “8.6 million Latinos…eligible to vote,” couldn’t vote because they were not registered. This number intensifies when one considers the fact that, “there are almost as many potential Latino voters (11.1 million) as actual voters (12.2 million)” in the U.S.  In Illinois, the 2010 gubernatorial election was decided by just 19,000 votes. That’s not many—especially when you think about how 361,000 eligible Latinos never registered. 

Knowing this, the Forum is taking action to change the narrative on Latino civic engagement by working with its nonprofit partners and volunteers to register new... Continue Reading

Posted In: Representation in Government, Strengthening Leadership, State Investment

Illinois’ list of gubernatorial hopefuls continues to grow as the campaign season for the March 18, 2014 primary gains steam.  While midterm elections tend to attract fewer voters (and primaries have even lower levels of participation) these midterm primaries have high stakes for Illinois residents as the state’s unemployment rate remains higher than the national average, its pension crisis remains unresolved, and  Illinois’ investment in our children’s public education has diminished by $670 million since Fiscal Year 2009.

At this stage in the primary, gubernatorial challengers Senator Bill Brady, Bill Daley, Senator Kirk Dillard, Bruce Rauner, and Treasurer Dan Rutherford have been focused on initiating effective campaign... Continue Reading

Posted In: Representation in Government, State Investment

While the spring legislative session closed on May 31 with frustrating indecision on several critical issues—pension reform, same-sex marriage, state-run health insurance, and a gambling expansion among them—the Latino Policy Forum and other advocates are heartened by the passage of a FY14 state budget that protects funding for education and vital human services.
Thanks to the leadership of the appropriation chairs who oversee the education budget in the Senate and House, lawmakers approved an elementary and secondary education budget that increased the state’s investment in our children by 2 percent.  On the surface, the news is very positive: the total appropriation allows the state to maintain funding for significant items in the education budget. However,... Continue Reading

Posted In: State Investment
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