Recursos de última hora para las elecciones primarias del martes

Tomorrow is Election Day, which means Illinois voters will vote to nominate candidates for President; U.S. Senator; Representatives in Congress; State Senators; Representatives in the General Assembly; a variety of County elected officials and a number of judicial elections.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed with the idea of making an informed vote, don’t stress— there are many resources available that can help guide your decisions.

Be sure to print out a sample ballot, to determine who’s running in your area.

Here are a few resources, guides and questionnaires to help in your last-minute research:

Remember: your voice makes a difference. More than 770 thousand Latinos in Illinois are of voting age and eligible to vote. We hold the power in our hands— Voto x Voto, vote by vote, we have influence to decide elections, but we need to register and turn out to vote. Happy Election Day!


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