Statistics on Latinos: The Latino Electorate in Illinois – Demographics, Participation, and the Path to Greater Political Power
Latinos can influence and even determine electoral outcomes. But this will only happen if Latinos show up at the polls and vote. This brief offers a snapshot of Latino voters in Illinois. How many are there, how old are they, what is the rate of voter turnout, and what are…
Statistics on Latinos: Latinos in Illinois: A Brief Overview 2010 – 2021
In Illinois, growth in the Latino population between 2010 and 2021 ensured that the state’s overall population did not decline more dramatically than 1%. Two-thirds of Latinos in the state were born in the United States. 72% of adults and 96% of those under 18 years of age are US…
PODER: Every Student Student Succeeds Act and Immigrant Parent Perspectives
The onset of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) presents a pivotal time in this nation’s history to support the quality education of students on their way to learning English. With the replacement of No Child Left Behind, states across the country have unprecedented flexibility in devising accountability systems. It…