Dr. Gloria Carbajal-Trejo has a distinguished career in education spanning 29 years, with experience across multiple school districts including Chicago Public Schools, Bloomington Public Schools, West Chicago District 33, and Harvey District 152. Recently appointed as the Assistant Superintendent of Teaching & Learning for Harvey District 152, she oversees the educational needs of nearly 1,600 students in the district’s four elementary schools and one middle school.
Her achievements in education have been widely recognized. In 2017, Dr. Carbajal-Trejo was honored as the Latino Administrator of the Year by the Association of Latino Administrators andSuperintendents (ALAS). The following year, she was named Illinois Elementary Principal of the Year by the Illinois Principal Association (IPA) and was selected for the National Distinguished Principals Program by the National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP). This accolade included a visit to the White House. Additionally, she has contributed to educational policy and planning through her role on Governor Pritzker’s Educational Success Committee.