Welcome to Illinois Coalition

Beginning in August 2022, Illinois has received nearly 15,000 migrants from Central and South America primarily from Texas. The mobilization of State and City resources, along with the humanitarian assistance from community-based organizations, churches, and other civic entities have provided immediate but temporary help to migrants. Effective solutions to issues including employment authorization and long-term housing necessitates collaborative coordination between state agencies and communities.

The Illinois Latino Agenda (ILA) aims to facilitate existing coordination and support efforts by convening state and local governments, elected officials, agencies, philanthropy, and community partners to address the recent influx of migrants in Illinois. The ILA intends to provide a space for all those working on the migrant crisis to provide updates, share consistent information, and determine if there are synergies to collaboration.

The coalition meets biweekly on an as-needed basis via Zoom. For more information about the coalition and others working to welcome new arrivals, please visit: www.welcometoil.org. To join the coalition, please email Nina Sedeño at nsedeno@latinopolicyforum.org

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