Defienda hoy a los inmigrantes

While cities across the nation are reaffirming their commitment to immigrant residents by publicly declaring their intent to remain sanctuary cities, the state of Illinois is on the cusp of passing legislation that will make college more affordable for undocumented students! 

Student ACCESS Bill

House members are expected to vote on the Student ACESS Bill, SB2196, on Wednesday.  The bill would make Illinois the sixth state in the nation to allow four-year public universities to provide institutional aid to undocumented students who meet the criteria for in-state tuition.

More than 2,000 Illinoisans have already signed the petition calling on their House member and Governor Rauner to support the bill!

Sign up RIGHT NOW!

The petitions will be delivered to Governor Rauner by college students on Wednesday morning after a press conference at the Illinois Capitol. 

SIGN UP and declare your support for immigrants today!

To learn more about the Student ACCESS Bill, please download this fact sheet, which contains a robust list of public supporters, including every four-year public university in Illinois, labor, business leaders, faith-based entities and other allies. 

You can also read statements of support by University of Illinois President Timothy Killeen, Northern Illinois University President Doug Baker, former Northeastern Illinois University President Sharon Hahs, Republican Governor Jim Edgar and PayPal Co-Founder Max Levchin outlining their support for the bill. 

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