Marlén J. Mendoza

Marlén J. Mendoza is the Associate Director of External Affairs at the Latino Policy Forum, where she works closely with Forum leadership, state agencies, elected officials, and advocacy partners to identify, analyze, critique, and advocate for policy solutions that elevate immigration, housing, education, and other issues pertaining to state and local partners and the Illinois Latino Agenda (ILA) coalitions.

Marlén serves as the primary liaison to elected officials and builds and manages key external relationships, including representing the Forum at select external coalitions. Mendoza is a Chicago native with over seven years of combined experience in organizing, public speaking, policy, advocacy, and community development.

Prior to joining the Forum, Marlén received her B.A. in International Studies in Global Health at the University of Iowa. During her undergraduate years, she worked as a community health organizer in rural Latino towns across Iowa. After graduating, Mendoza moved to Washington, D.C., where she worked with various national policy organizations – the Center for Law and Social Policy, The Forum for Youth Investment, and the Aspen Institute Forum for Community Solutions. During her time in DC, Marlén worked on various state and national policy initiatives and national campaign issues related to post-secondary education, workforce development, opportunity youth, and economic development.

Marlén loves to travel, hike, and write in her spare time.

Contact Marlén via email at or by phone at (773) 350-3657.

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