Here are the latest housing updates from the Forum.
City Council Testimony: The Forum provided testimony to the Chicago City Council’s Housing Committee in support of the Keeping the Promise Ordinance earlier this quarter.
As supporters of the proposed ordinance, the Forum believes it would increase access for Latinos to CHA programs and resources, and would make CHA more transparent and accountable. On February 17, Housing Manager Savannah Clement provided testimony publicly endorsing the passing of ordinance. Read the testimony here.
Promotores de Vivienda Justa: The Forum extends a heartfelt thank you to this winter quarter’s students from DePaul University who participated in the Promotores de Vivienda Justa (Fair Housing Ambassadors) program and reached more than 140 people. Promotores partnered with Forum staff to conduct workshops, provide information at various community venues and connect the Spanish-speaking community to housing resources. Participants included Carrie O’Brien, Camilo Salgado, and Katia Silva. To participate in the Promotores de Vivienda Justa program contact Gypsy Gavia.
Honoring MLK: The Forum—a leading voice in housing issues in the Chicago Metropolitan region—paid tribute to the life and important work of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., especially in the fair housing arena, in a recent blog post. The Forum’s Housing Manager Savannah Clement sat down with Communications Associate Emily Vasquez to reflect on the many ways Dr. King’s legacy still inspires fair housing advocates almost 50 years later. Read more here.

Operation H.E.L.P. Updates: The Forum was pleased to join Brighton Park Neighborhood Council’s (BPNC) Financial Education Resource Fair, February 13 at Kelly High School. The fair was sponsored by The Office of the City Treasurer and included more than 13 banks and financial institutions. Families had their income taxes prepared, were offered various financial resources, and participated in the home-buying workshop. A total of 120 people attended the fair, validating the demand of home buying services and financial literacy.
A Housing Acuerdo member, BPNC continues to expand its financial proficiency programs to empower the community by strengthening relationships with financial institutions and community organizations that will bring affordable and safe financial resources to the families in need.
Now Hiring: The Forum seeks a Housing Manager to manage the housing department and implement effective housing policy strategies. Read more here. Thank you to Savannah Clement for all her work and efforts as she’s transitioned into the next phase of her career.
Photos: Forum Staff