Reunión de Antiguos Alumnos de la Academia de Liderazgo y Séptimo Año

Here are the latest updates for the Forum’s Leadership Academy. 

Multicultural Leadership Academy: The Forum is pleased to announce Year Seven of the newly redesigned Multicultural Nonprofit Leadership Academy. The Academy will provide a series of leadership workshops, mentoring and coaching for individuals actively involved in social justice and sponsored by nonprofit organizations committed to social change and/or policy impact, serving communities of colorthroughoutIllinois. Applicants may be employees, board members or volunteers at their sponsoring organization. A distinguishing factor of the Multicultural Nonprofit Leadership Academy will be to acknowledge the significant leadership attributes inherent in cultural DNA. Applications for the new Academy will be available in early April. Please check the Forum’s website for updated information or contact Jessi Pérez for further information.

Alumni Reunion: Mark your calendars and be sure to join the Forum for an evening of drinks, conversation and networking with fellow alumni of the Leadership Academy, Wednesday, April 27. 

Formerly known as The Illinois Latino Nonprofit Leadership Academy, the Academy is an intensive nine-month program consisting of leadership workshops, on-site consulting, mentoring, and coaching for individuals throughout Illinois to build personal and organizational leadership skills. The evening will also feature a panel discussion about diversity—speakers to be announced soon. Exciting changes have been underway and the call for applications is nearing. Bring a guest that is interested in learning more. Wednesday, April 27. Space is limited, RSVP today

Since 2009, the Academy has trained 151 leaders working in 45 organizations across Illinois. Participants have gone on to achieve higher leadership roles within their organization, while many alumni gain recognition on the local, national and international level. For more information email

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