About Acuerdos
The Latino Policy Forum has developed a concept to build the policy making and advocacy capacity of Latino organizations and leaders called Acuerdos. (Acuerdo is a Spanish word meaning mutual understanding, agreement, or accord.) Acuerdos have one fundamental and important function: to work together to develop and execute priorities and a common agenda. We do this by making sure that information, policy, and advocacy on specific issues represent the Latino perspective and its community needs.
Acuerdos add value by:
- Developing an educated, issue-specific Latino voice;
- Building strong leaders who promote a common agenda;
- Advancing Latino access and inclusion;
- Generating positive engagement with the non-Latino community; and
- Making recommendations that improve the quality of life for all.
The Latino Policy Forum’s Acuerdos consist of the following organizations:
For additional information on the Education Acuerdo, contact Rebecca Vonderlack-Navarro.
For additional information on the Immigration, Housing, and Illinois Latino Agenda Acuerdos, contact José Marco-Paredes.